Smart Tanning Science:
Traditional Tanning Vs. Smart UV+
Traditional Tanning Vs. Smart UV+
Traditional Vs. "Smart UV+" Tanning
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“Google and Yahoo Reviews voted Smart Tan the “BEST OF BOSTON… NYC… MIAMI”, and named the New England locations some of the “TOP 50 SALONS in the NATION” by Looking Fit Magazine.
Experts say:
“Smart Tan delivers a “WORLD CLASS TANNING EXPERIENCE” with State-of-the-Art, High Performance Equipment and Lotions. (including both traditional and Smart Bed technologies). Upon your first visit to the salon Smart Tan welcomes every new customer with a brief, but informative education regarding the new art and science of tanning. This equips members with the knowledge to make well informed decisions for the safest, most effective, and least costly means to looking and feeling your sexiest all year long! Each of our beds has an output ratio of Tanning vs. Burning Rays that matches natural sunlight, at various times of day, and is then MAGNIFIED exponentially by SMART TECHNOLOGY for greatest EFFECTIVENESS & VALUE. (from harsh high-noon sunlight to gentler more tanning ray sundown sunlight) Furthermore, the synergy between UV light and Red Light causes better tanning with less UV needed plus the benefits of antiaging Red Light.
Smart Tan offers tanning for everyone – whether you’re rich & famous, freckled Irish or bronzy Brazilian… …with every level of equipment making tanning as safe and effective as possible and with packages as low as $3.99 per tan, there’s a tan for ever budget.”
Traditional Tanning
All Smart Tan Salons have two Levels of traditional tanning beds. These beds output relatively equal levels of Tanning and Burning Rays – as traditional beds have always and most still do (50/50). The inclusion of these regular beds along side the new Smart Beds gives you the choice and the ability to compare the effectiveness, safety and cost of Smart Beds vs. Traditional Beds right in our salon.
Note that tanning in our traditional beds, levels 1 & 2, equates to Levels 3 & 4 in a regular traditional salon. Furthermore, all of our levels, 1 – 5, include High Pressure Facial bulbs delivering a safer, more gentle and effective, 100% Tanning Ray 0% Burning Ray output to the face of every bed.
Smart Tanning Advantage
FASTER, SAFER, Affordable Luxury Tanning made possible by matching the bed’s output ratio of tanning vs. burning rays to those gentlest and most effective in natural sunlight, then MAGNIFIED for greatest Effectiveness & Value by Smart Technology not possible in natural sunlight.
Our Salon’s have Five Distinct Levels of State-of-the-Art, High Performance Equipment and Bulbs that are precision engineered to emit only narrow-band UVA and UVB tanning light at the optimal ratio for each stage of tanning. The filtering of all but the effective light waves to these ideal proportions is critical to faster, safer and less costly tanning. This eliminates unnecessary and useless exposure, and maximizes tanning capability at each level.
Smart Tan’s equipment choices, therefore can provide all the BENEFITS OF VITAMIN D while developing a richly dark healthier tan in as little time, in as few sessions, and as gently to the skin as possible.” (Medical School Research) These distinctly different Levels, are complemented by a FREE Skin Type Analysis (download your Client Card) to deliver faster, safer and less costly tanning.
Because Smart Beds have more Tanning Ray and less Burning Ray you should ideally begin tanning in the highest level available while also increasing session times at each visit. Furthermore, the synergy between UV light and Red Light causes better tanning with less UV needed plus the benefits of antiaging Red Light. This is very unlike traditional beds where a tanner starts at the lowest levels because of the high levels of burning rays in traditional beds.
Tan Quality - What Color Is Your Tan?
“It’s simple: Judge for yourself the relative effectiveness and safety of Traditional vs. Smart Tanning by the “Hue Color of Your Tan”: A high quality tan starts off brown, not red. The lower the quality of the tan the redder you appear BOTH immediately following and after development of your tan. This presence of redness and the relative lack of brownness is quite noticeable in Traditional Beds and is what causes you to need to tan more frequently to both build and maintain your tan – more frequent tanning is harsher and more costly. Furthermore, that redness will cause the skin to exfoliate (for example, in the extreme case of burning one peels). Therefore, you can judge for yourself: the browner Smart Bed tan is always faster, safer and less costly!
Differences Between The Levels
- Color of Your Tan:
Judge for yourself by the hue color of your Tan: the Smart Beds produce a browner, less reddish, tan even after just one session, thereby proving that Smart Beds produce a faster, safer and less costly tan. - Intensity:
Running from 100 Watt to 220 Watt – Very-high and Super-high Output Reflector Bulbs: VHO/R & SHO/R - Percentage Output of UVA vs. UVB:
It’s a fact that your skin needs less UVB (‘B’urning ray) and more UVA (tanning ray) to develop your tan. Because the Burning Ray is the much harsher ray, it burns the skin easily when in excess, therefore, only very small amounts of the Burning Ray are preferred to stimulate the production of melanin.Only the newest and most sophisticated equipment and bulbs provide these ideal proportions. We call these beds Smart Beds. Furthermore, another benefit to minimizing the Burning Ray output is that this then allows for increasing the levels of “Tanning ray” to maximize tanning. The stages of Tanning Ray increase and Burning Ray decrease allowing you to develop and maintain your tan with fewer sessions and, more importantly, safer and less costly. - Number of Features:
(all or some of the following): the number of High-Pressure Anti-Aging facials in every Bed, Patented Shoulder/neck & Side Tanners for even all-over tanning; Ergonomically Contoured Bed & Head Acrylics to eliminate white spots on your backsides caused by pressure-points; Patented Facial, Shoulder, Leg & Foot Intensifiers in every Booth; Twisted cork-screw type bulbs to provide more even tanning, UV “After-Bronzers”; Sweat-free cooling systems; Voice-activated; CD/MP3/IPOD Music Selection… …equipment, etc…Tanning Faster & Safer Chart
Anti-Aging Red Light Photo-Therapeutics (Youthful Light Therapy)
The Photo-Therapeutics technology is complimentary with every Smart Bed session at no additional charge
Treatments using red light will improve skin tone and texture, control pigmentation spots, help reduce pore size, encourage vibrant, healthier-looking skin, and reduce wrinkles.
Remember, the synergy between UV light and Red Light causes better tanning with less UV needed plus the benefits of antiaging Red Light.
Skin Anti-Aging Red Light Photo-Therapeutics is part of every Smart Bed session at no additional charge. Treatments using red light will improve skin tone and texture, control pigmentation spots, help reduce pore size, encourage vibrant, healthier-looking skin, and reduce wrinkles. Anti-aging red light therapy stimulates circulation and repairs the elastin fibers within tissue to help keep skin firm. According to the FDA, red light at 633nm has a “no risk” status and is completely safe for the eyes. Red light penetrates tissue to a depth of 8 – 10 mm, delivering energy to stimulate a response from the body to heal itself. RED LIGHT SKIN THERAPY – FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS
- What can I expect from Light Sources Rejuvenescence “Collagen Plus” treatments? Treatments using red light will improve skin tone and texture, control pigmentation spots, help reduce pore size, encourage vibrant, healthier-looking skin, and reduce wrinkles. Anti-aging red light therapy stimulates circulation and repairs the elastin fibers within tissue to help keep skin firm.
- Are red light treatments safe? What does the FDA say? According to the FDA, red light at 633nm has a “non-significant risk” status and is completely safe for the eyes. Red light penetrates tissue to a depth of 8 – 10 mm, delivering energy to stimulate a response from the body to heal itself.
- How does Rejuvenessence “Collagen Plus” work? Red light at 633nm is absorbed by the mitochondria of the cell and stimulates intracellular energy transfer (ATP) production for enhanced cell vitality and permeability, increased production of new collagen, and increased turnover of collagen and elastin fibers. Laboratory studies have shown that skin cells grow 150 – 200 percent faster when exposed to certain light wavelengths, and research has shown red light delivers powerful therapeutic benefits to living tissue.
- Does red light therapy produce the same light as from the sun? Can it damage my skin? Too much sunlight can affect the skin due to the emission of broad spectrum ultraviolet energy through the atmosphere. Rejuvenescence “Collagen Plus” lamps utilize the visible spectra of light at 633nm (red), but contain no UVA or UVB rays.
- How does red light therapy differ from laser treatments? Red light therapy does not cut, burn, or break the skin as with laser treatments. Lasers use heat and concentrated light to vaporize or remove tissue. Rejuvenescence “Collagen Plus” lamps produce no vaporization or burning of tissue, and therefore no inflammation or erythema. Red light therapy is one of the few non-invasive tools available that can reverse the appearance of aging skin, such as wrinkles and mottled skin tone.
- How soon do results become noticeable? There are few immediate changes to skin, as change occurs naturally over a period of weeks. Everyone reacts differently, depending on their age and the condition of their skin. In general, best results are achieved over an 8 – 12 week period.
- Does Rejuvenescence “Collagen Plus” treat acne, age spots, and sun damage? Red light helps remove the bacteria that causes acne, and generates cellular activity that deals with age spots and sun damage. Anti-aging red light therapy brightens skin and reduces the formation of pigmentation marks.
- Does red light therapy work equally well on all skin types? Rejuvenescence “Collagen Plus” therapy is safe and effective for all skin types and colors. The main prerequisite is that skin be clean for effective light transmission.
- How long do the results last? Results depend on the length of treatment and the original conditions being treated. Skin rejuvenation is a dynamic process. If maintenance treatments are discontinued, natural expression lines will gradually return over the course of time, at which point re-treatment can be put in place.